You can make a difference! Our Universal Hero Club recognizes and rewards our “O” red blood cell donors and “AB” plasma donors. The red blood cells from an O-negative donor, and/or or the plasma from an AB (positive/negative) donor can be transfused to anyone in need, regardless of blood type. Additionally, the red blood cells from an O-positive donor can be transfused to any patient with an Rh-positive blood type. These blood and plasma donations are especially important in accident/trauma cases, where there may not be time to identify a patient’s specific blood type.
To show our appreciation to these individuals, we’ve created our Universal Heroes Club!
“The rarest blood type is the one not available at the moment it is needed by a regional hospital patient.”
What is MKBC’s Universal Hero Club?
Type O Blood Donors
Individuals with O-positive or O-negative blood types who pledge to make 4 or more whole blood donations per year, or who pledge to make 2 or more double red blood cell donations per year, receive a special MKBC gift when their pledge is fulfilled.
If a donor achieves 5 whole blood donations in the same year, they will also receive a $25 e-gift card; and if a 6th whole blood donation is reached in the same year, another $25 e-gift card will be awarded! If a double red blood cell donor achieves a 3rd double red donation in the same year, they will receive a $50 e-gift card!
Type AB Plasma Donors
Individuals with AB-positive or AB-negative blood types who pledge to make 8 or more plasma donations per year receive a special MKBC gift when their pledge is fulfilled.
If a donor achieves 10 total plasma donations in the same year, they will also receive a $25 e-gift card; and if a 12th plasma donation is reached in the same year, another $25 e-gift card will be awarded!
Please note: “per year” and/or “same year” refers to a rolling 12-month period that begins on the datesomeone signs up for MKBC’s Universal Hero Club program.
How Do I Join MKBC’s Universal Hero Club?
Our Universal Hero Club is an opt-in program – donors are not automatically enrolled, they must voluntarily join. Donors can enroll at any time by completing the form below, or they can also enroll when visiting us for their next lifesaving blood donation. Simply let our front desk/reception staff know that you would like to join, and they will be happy to assist!
All blood donors enrolling in our Universal Hero Club will receive a customized “punch” card to bring to their blood donation appointments. MKBC staff will initial and verify each appointment, to help track progress towards fulfilling your commitment.
YES, I would like to join MKBC’s Universal Hero Club and help save lives in our community!
I pledge to donate a minimum of four (4) whole blood donations or two (2) double red cell donations [O+/O-] annually, or a minimum of eight (8) plasma donations [AB+/AB-] annually.
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